woolart is “All manner of woolishness pursued with reckless joy and wild abandon”, as noted on our business card. A textile addict all of my life, I currently produce sock creatures, cloth dolls, children's and adult clothing and accessories primarily from recycled felted wool and vintage linens, along with hand-knits and the occasional handspun/hand-dyed skein of yarn. I began sewing with recycled wools almost 20 years ago, using handspun yarns, needlefelting, embroidery. Over the years, in several states, I have taught sheep raising, spinning and felting to children in public and private schools, participated in historical interpretation at various historical sites - teaching weaving and spinning, and participated in a master spinner program in Canada for several years.
We live on a magical few acres of pasture and forest in midcoast Maine, with our small flock of sheep and dogs, in a little woolly cabin. 'Tis a charmed life, to be sure.
You can visit Jean Fink, woolartist at her Etsy shop.
ReplyDeleteEtsy shop on hiatus--hope to re-stock and re-open soon!