Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Spotlight: Weaving the Joy!

Weaving the Joy

About the Crafter- Shirley A. McAfee
I first became interested in baskets as a young girl.
Their shapes, sleek pieces of reed intertwined,
which formed something really useful and beautiful.

After some time passed I was invited to attend
a basket making class with my good friend from Connecticut.
As I listened and wove my first basket the realization
that I truly enjoyed what I was creating struck me.
I have been spending every waking moment weaving.

Making one basket at a time makes each one special and unique.
I have learned to appreciate the art for what it has taught me.
Each piece deserves to have its own unique shape and
personality; hence, no two are alike.
Basketwork has brought me peace, excitement, contentment,
enjoyment and creativity which result in new adventures of friendships.

In creating my baskets I hope to share my Joy of Weaving with you.

Shirley A. McAfee, Artisan
Weaving the Joy!

Please visit Shirley online at her Facebook page.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, useful baskets--what a great addition to the group of handmade goodness!
